Member-only story
Blown Out To Sea
On The Island Of Phiddle
by Phineas Phiddlephaddle
Once there was an unusual bird on the Island of Phiddle who refused to fly. But thanks to a warbler at the top of Phiddle Mountain, the bird found the courage to try and discovered that she loved flying. The bird’s name was Stroller.
Now, before Stroller learned to fly under her own power, Professor Tinkerhoffer had built her a bird-sized hot-air balloon so she could fly a different way. Of course, once Stroller discovered her natural ability to fly, she no longer needed the hot-air balloon and promptly gave it away. To a chipmunk named Doughty.
As chipmunks aren’t particularly good at flying — rather awful, in fact — Doughty was thrilled with the gift. And being a courageous and clever chipmunk, Doughty soon started a business flying other small Phiddle creatures to the top of Phiddle Mountain so they could enjoy the view and the wonderful singing of the warblers.
Doughty charged a reasonable fee of two Phiddleberries per trip. His hot-air balloon business was quite successful. So much so, that he had put on a few ounces. Phiddleberries are hard to resist.
One morning, Doughty was taking a bunny named Fleecy to the top of Phiddle Mountain. The trip was going as usual, with Doughty pointing out landmarks below. When…