I tried writing under a pen name to write non-fiction, but I hated it. It was starting over, for one thing. And I had to keep up with two accounts. Yuck. Plus I wanted the credit for what I was writing! I was doing the work. Why should some fictional character get the credit?!
Then, the stuff I didn't want credit for (hiding behind a pen name), I shouldn't have been writing anyway. The whole experience was short-lived and depressing. I was glad to be done with it.
I know some writers have a pen name for each genre they write in. That sounds like madness to me, but some madness seems to be a requirement of the writing game, so... 🤣
I did write a series of children's stories under the pen name Phineas Phiddlephaddle, because they were about his fictional island home. But I posted them on Medium on my account so it was no secret who wrote them.
Pen names are not for me.