Dear Poets, Comic Artists, Humorists, Flash & Micro-Fiction Writers

Please don’t give up on Medium

Mark Starlin


The news that Medium is switching to a “read time” metric to reward stories in the partner Program has many up in arms. I write mainly one-minute humor, comics, micro-fiction and poems. So the news is relevant to me.

Let’s face it; Medium has never favored creative writing. They prefer current event essays and confessional writing. We have always been the “second-page” categories. This has not changed. There is no Medium Poetry publication. Or Humor. Or Fiction.

Will the new system affect us? Of course. For good or bad? We will see. I encourage you to wait until the new system is in effect before you revolt.

Honestly, I am not getting rich on my humor, poetry, and micro-fiction. Or my long fiction either. Does anyone actually make decent money publishing creative writing on Medium? Why haven’t you written an essay on how? Everyone else has. I want to read it. I typically post daily, and my monthly earnings are still meager. If they go lower… What’s below meager?

Long stories will earn more. Yeah, right. Hardly anyone reads long stories anymore. Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. So are story lengths. I have seen it in the 21 months I have been writing here. You…



Mark Starlin
Mark Starlin

Written by Mark Starlin

Old bones. Young heart. Uniquely arranged words.

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