Tommy, I did everything in Scrivener including outlining. I didn’t really use the cork board view much. I found the Outline view more useful. But you can basically see a rough outline of the book by seeing the chapter folder and scene names. If you use descriptive names.
To create an outline, you use the section called Synopsis on right sidebar (called Inspector).
When you create a chapter (folder) anything you write in that synopsis will appear in the cork board and Outline view under that chapter. If you click the Manuscript icon in the left sidebar (called Binder), it will show all the chapters as cork boards. If you click the Outline view, it will show a text outline.
When you add “scenes” (documents) to the chapters, they also have their own synopsis. Whatever you put in those is visible in cork board or Outline view when you click on a chapter icon in the left sidebar.
I made chapters for each “adventure” in my story, then added scenes to the chapters. At first everything was blank except the chapter names like “Adventures In Spain.” Then as I got ideas, I added to the synopsis for each scene. I read the synopsis section before writing a scene.
So these synopsis’ became my outline.
I used the Note section below the Synopsis section to add notes to myself and ideas, research links, photos, etc. Stuff that related to the scene or chapter. Everything was right there while writing.