One Minute Wit

What To Do If You Forget How To Fly

Mark Starlin
1 min readJul 2, 2018

If you develop the ability to fly without any mechanical aid,

and then mid-flight you suddenly forget how to and start falling toward Earth,

and then remember that you forgot to wear your super bounce shock-absorbing rubber boots,

or your ultra glide winged jacket,

or your solar-powered anti-gravity socks,

or your parachute/lunch cooler backpack,

and there are no convenient man-made lakes of Jello below,

it is probably too late to start looking up flying instructions on Google.

However, if you can hit one of the tall water slides at the Wet’n Wild water park at just the right angle,

and don’t skip across the surface of the water into a hot dog stand,

you have a reasonable chance of survival,

unless you eat the hot dogs afterward.

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